

Thursday, February 17, 2011

About Communication


Here is our brief definition of the term: communication = gaining a broader/deeper understanding of other individuals and cultures through exchange of ideas through some method of transmission

This is what I hope to accomplish via our upcoming video project:

Learn new vocabulary from our own research and the projects of others
Reinforce my knowledge of sentence structure and grammar patterns
Sharpen my listening skills through hearing known patterns reinforced in other students' work
Learn through experience how to best communicate in Japanese
I also think the project will help me practice natural speaking - cadence, syllabic emphasis,
natural pronunciation, and compound sentence formation

Regarding our own specific project in general, I am sure I will learn more about New York city's history, Japanese conceptions of American cities, and Japanese cities themselves.


Odori247 said...

I think that natural speaking will be a good goal and challenge. We tend to speak slowly and monotone in Japanese, making sure we get the grammar and vocabulary correct, but natural speaking is our ultimate aspiration!

Xiao said...

Your program is not only a good chance for you to learn, it would be even more fantastic if you can express your ideas to others. I think this is also something about communication.

Patrick Woods said...

I think you are definitely right about learning how to speak with a natural cadence and flow with our Japanese. Because it has been so hard to learn the different grammatical constructions, my "natural" Japanese is full of starts and stops and long pauses. Obviously that is part of the learning process for all of us, but by having a script to practice and memorize, we can perfect some of those natural speaking skills and then try to begin applying them to our unscripted speech.